A close-knit multi-cultural community located below 123th and above 116th Street in Harlem
Your vote in June can make a difference!
In the June 2023 Primary Election for City Council, Harlem residents should vote to hold our elected officials accountable for making policies and allocating funding that aligns with our priorities e.g., street safety, fair share, and economic development.
In the past, the lead candidate won by a shockingly a slim margin. A voting block of a mere 1,000 votes can change an election!
How can you help?
Organize a chat group in your building. Talk to your neighbors in the elevator
Post our distribution to buildinglink emails
Distribute physical posters (email us to ask for physical copies, or download the image file here)
Invite a District Leader to your building's event, e.g., William Smith
Recommend your building to join the Greater Harlem Coalition
Run for county committee
Vote with Harlem East Block for our endorsed candidate
We invite you to vote with Election District 8!
In 2022, district 8 has the highest voter turnout during primary election. But even so, less than 300 people voted. Help us turnout 800 people to vote in District 8 and nearby Districts. You can sending communications to your building and hold events.